जैसा कि हम सब जानते ही हैं कि ग्वालियर शहर में कई पुराने मंदिर और किले स्थित है।.5 वीं शताब्दी तक शहर में एक प्रसिद्ध गायन स्कूल था जिसमें तानसेन ने भाग लिया था। और ग्वालियर शहर में राजा मान सिंह तोमन ने अपने सपनों का महल भी बनाया है। इसी प्राकृतिक सुंदरता को देखने के लिए यहां कई युवा घूमने आते हैं और कई युवा यहां पर पार्ट टाइम जॉब के लिय आते हैं। और कई युवा पढ़ने के लिए भी आते हैं। और वो यह सोचते हैं कि मैं शिक्षा के अलावा पार्ट टाइम जॉब भी कर सकूं। इसीलिए हमारी कंपनी ने इन स्टूडेंट्स के लिए पार्ट टाइम जॉब निकाली है। इस जॉब का नाम है एसएमएस सेंडिंग जॉब्स जो आपको घर पर ही बैठकर करनी होगी। इस जॉब से आप बहुत अच्छी इनकम भी कर सकते हैं। इस काम को आप बहुत ही सिंपल तरीके से कर सकते हैं। इस काम को करने के लिए आपको दिन में 2 घंटे का वक्त लगेगा। इस जॉब में आप बहुत ही आसानी से पैसा कमा सकते हैं। आप ज्यादा तो नहीं पर महीने भर का 15000 तो कमा ही सकते हैं। और इसमें सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि आपको इस काम को करने के लिए पूरा दिन भी नहीं लगेगा। आप अपनी सैलरी पेटीएम के द्वारा प्राप्त करेंगे।
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
email sending job from home
घर से ईमेल भेजने का काम
अरे क्या आप एक ऑनलाइन काम की तलाश कर रहे हैं जो आप कर सकते हैं क्या आप
अपने घर के कामों में बहुत व्यस्त हैं और इसीलिए आप घर से बाहर नहीं जा
पा रहे हैं और यह कमाई आपके लिए सबसे अच्छा काम है यहाँ आप बस बैठे पैसे
कमा सकते हैं आपका घर आपके लिए सबसे आसान काम है, जो घर से ही किया
जाएगा, बहुत सारी महिलाएं हैं, जिन्हें अपने घर से बाहर जाने की अनुमति
नहीं है, लेकिन वे पैसे कमाने के लिए तैयार हैं और आत्म निर्भर बनना यह
उन लोगों के लिए सबसे अच्छा काम है इतने सारे लोग या महिलाएं जो आदमी
द्वारा प्रताड़ित की गई हैं लेकिन एक बार जब वे उनके द्वारा अर्जित करना
शुरू कर देते हैं तो वे अपनी समस्या को आसानी से हल कर सकते हैं क्योंकि
वे कमाई करना शुरू कर देंगे और एक बार वे अपने दम पर कुछ करने में सक्षम
हो जाएंगे तो इससे उनका आत्मविश्वास बढ़ेगा और वे आगे आ सकते हैं और उनके
लिए एक स्टैंड ले लो पैसे की एक शक्ति है ऐसा करने के लिए भी आपके पास
पैसा है और आप जानते हैं कि आपको किसी और पर निर्भर होने की ज़रूरत नहीं
है, यह आसान बना देगा कि आप अपना खुद का स्टैंड ले सकते हैं और यह काम
करने के लिए भी जरूरत नहीं कुछ भी नहीं y है ou पंजीकरण के लिए कहीं भी
जाना है या कुछ और है अपने घर से बाहर जाने की आवश्यकता नहीं है यह पूरी
तरह से एक घर का आधार काम है। लेकिन हाँ आपको ईमेल के बारे में कुछ
जानकारी होनी चाहिए और आपको पता होना चाहिए कि मोबाइल फोन का उपयोग कैसे
करना है, इसकी एकमात्र आवश्यकता है और आपके पास एक इंटरनेट कनेक्शन भी
है, यह पर्याप्त है आपको एक दिन के लिए 200 ईमेल दिए जाएंगे और आपको
उन्हें अग्रेषित करना होगा हर ईमेल के लिए आपको 6 रुपये मिलेंगे यानी
आपकी मासिक तनख्वाह 36000 होगी जो बहुत अधिक राशि है। जैसा कि यह एक
होम-बेस नौकरी है, और आपको इसे घर से करना होगा, आपका भुगतान केवल पेटीएम
या ट्रांसफर के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन किया जाएगा।
email sending jobs
email sending job from home
Email sending job from home
Hey are you looking for an online work which you can do from are you
very busy in your home chores and that's why you are not able to go
out from home and earn this is the best job for you here you can earn
money just seating at your home it is easiest job for you which will
be done from home only there are so many women who are not allowed to
go out from their home but they are willing to earn money and become
self dependent it is the best job for those their are so many people
or women who are been tortured by man but once they started earning by
them they can solve their problem easily as they will start earning
and once they are able to do something from their own it will boost
their confidence and they can come forward and take a stand for them
money has a power of doing this also you have to money and you know
that you do not have to be dependent on somebody else it will make
easy that you can take your own stand and also for doing this job you
do not need have anything neither you have to go anywhere for
registration or something else there is not at all need to go out from
your home it is totally a home base job. But yes you should have some
knowledge about the emails and you should know how to use a mobile
phone it is the only need and you also have an internet connection
this is sufficient you will be given 200 email for a day and you have
to forward them for every email you will get 6 rupees that means your
monthly salary will be 36000 which is a lot of amount. As it is a
home-base job, and you have to do it from home, your payment will be
done online only through Paytm or account transfer
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Monday, December 14, 2020
Roposo: Indian Short Video App. Viral Funny Videos
With 100mn + downloads, Roposo is India's favourite Short video creation and sharing app. Made in India, for India. Roposo app available in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Gujarati, Punjabi, Marathi, Bengali, Malayalam, Odia and Assamese.
With our free to download India’s best Short video app, you can share videos & images on Whatsapp Status from over 25+ Channels on the platform including fashion, funny , prank , comedy & jokes, homemade healthcare solutions, travel video, best ,Hindi movie dialogues, latest entertainment, singing, sports, news etc.
Download Roposo for short video creation and easy photo editing using video filters, GIF stickers & effects which help you create latest videos in slow-mo, time-lapse, portraits with natural light, studio light, contour light, stage & stage mono light. Add filters get, creative with your posts! Edit and save videos, photos, images & add trending stickers & filters to make your videos/photos trending! Share these videos on WhatsApp & Whatsapp status using perfect hashtags. Follow likes & views increase instantly! Earn money and transfer coins.
Enjoy original entertainment including interesting stand-up comedy videos , Hindi movie dialogues & photos with funny greetings & wishes & make them go viral among a huge audience in India. Download/Save & share your favourite funny comedy trending on videos & photos on Whatsapp, Whatsapp status and other social media platforms.
We have Video channels like:
Haha Tv Video:
Laugh at the hilarious video of HAHA Tv on India’s favorite app & discover best , latest funny ,comedy videos. With so much humour, pranks & Jokes, forget having a dull day ever! From Santa-Banta, gf-bf, lawyer, Student-teacher, husband-wife, father-son, marriage jokes, funny sayings,Hindi movie dialogues, prank videos & more awesome jokes- HaHa Tv has it all!
Bhakti Video:
It’s a community of all religions across the world sharing & discovering their rich diversity through photos, videos & stories. Aarti, Bhajan, Paath, Ardaas, Prayers, Namaaz, Mantras, Shlokas, religious programs information, Stotra, daily-darshan video from users all over India! Get new devotional photos, videos, stories & information of your favorite god every day. Get new devotional photos, videos related to Indian festivals, rituals & practices from different parts of India. Get to interact with other devotees of India. Find wallpapers of any god & share it with friends & family! Download & share your favourite photos & videos from India’s favorite app with family & friends using social media apps.
Look Good-Feel Good Video:
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Beats video :
Get the best music & dance videos & images only on our Beats Channel! Set for a party mood? Switch to beats channel & get a huge variety of music videos on India’s favourite app in Hindi, English, Punjabi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Gujarati & Bengali! Your favourite Hindi movie film-star dancing on your favorite music in a collection of videos & images saved just for you!
We also have video channels like the Celebration Channel, Hungry Tv, Gabru, Punjabi Way, Digi TV, Nation Speaks, Wow Channel, Discover People, Filmistaan, Creative Space, Beats, Look Good Feel Good Channel.
Moj - Made in India | Short Video App
Moj is India’s own short video app created locally by ShareChat - a hot new stage to show your flaming talent to the world out there - never ending entertaining videos to watch. We discover new talent every day. New challenges every day.
🍁 Original Indian Short Videos App
🍁 Create Fun Music Videos
🍁 Funny Dialogue Dubbing
🍁 Watch Real Celeb Videos
🍁 Lip-Sync Dubbing Videos
A Short Video Social Community
People from all over the world gather on Moj app to meet interesting people and watch interesting short videos. Moj is preferred choice of not only for top Indian celebs but also for 7Mn+ influencers. Get a chance to meet tens of millions of talented artists from around the world on Moj app, but also get to make friends with young people from your city or near you!
Snack gaya. Moj chalao - Indian hai
More than 7 million talented artists and creators now on Moj
■ Watch millions of videos selected specifically for your interest
■ Get inspired and entertained by watching millions of videos by a global community of creators
■ Dance, Comedy, Vlog, Food, Sports, DIY, Animals, Snake Video, and everything in between. Discover videos from endless categories.
■ Browse through the feed on Moj app, Search your favourite videos, get creative and share with your friends and family Instantly.
■ On Moj, you can create profile, upload videos, , follow power creators, like videos and share videos in one click.
Full of Features
■ Moj app has a number of special effects, thousands of stickers, and magical emoticons for your selfies.
■ Cutting-edge Magic filters, create exclusive Music Videos with special effects at full sync with the music's beat!
■ Have fun and learn new knowledge from countless high-quality original video content! Discover and share a bigger world now!
■ Moj has features like - edit videos, full features camera filters and editing, and much more.
■ Moj app is a global short video creation platform, where everyone has a chance to gain popularity, billions of video views and quickly become the next internet sensation!
■ Moj app is a Made In India app for Indian users. Enjoy the fun experience on Moj
Moj App is available in 15 Indian languages
Moj App is available in English, Hindi, Telugu, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Malayalam, Bengali, Tamil, Kannada, Odia, Bhojpuri, Assamese, Rajasthani, Haryanvi & Urdu!
🔥Trending on Moj:🔥
💕 Beauty
💃 Dance
👄 Lip-sync
🎶 Singing
💻 Tech
🤣 Jokes
🤥 Trick
🙌🏽 Challenge
🍻 Cooking
🤡 Comedy
👏🏽 Bollywood
🏖 Fashion-style
Facing an issue?
Contact us from Help & Support section of the Moj app. We respond within a few minutes. Alternatively, you can write us to reviews@mojapp.in
Please share your valuable feedback, if you enjoy using the app, do give us a 5-star rating!
Josh - Made in India | Short Video App
India’s best “Made in India” short videos app to enjoy the most viral & trending short videos in your own Language.
Kya tumhare thumke me hai Jacqueline waala dum? Here’s Jacqueline Fernandes doing her #ThumkaLagaDuniyaHila challenge. What is your twist? Show us now and get chance to win prizes up to Rs25 Lakhs every week !
Watch original and exclusive content of THE BEST creators in India with
🔥 Team 07 -Faisu, Hasnain Khan, Adnaan Shaikh, Faiz Baloch, and Shadan Farooqui
🔥Teen Tigada- Sameeksha, Bhavin & Vishal
And many many more!
🔥 Yeh Sab Hai Josh Mein! Kya Tum Bhi Ho Josh Pe? 🔥
Download Josh to become part of a creator community where you can take trends into your own hands by uploading, sharing and promoting all the content YOU love! Afsha Shah, Jubin Shah, Vishal Parekh, Eshan Masih, Oye Indori, Deepthi Sunaina, Ashu Reddy, Athulyaa Ravi are just some of your favourite top creators who’ve got the Josh, now it’s your turn! #JoshMeinAaja
Create Amazing Duets
Amazing Duets = Double Dhamaka! Sing with your Bae, dance with loved ones, and create awesome Duets with our Joshilay creators. Funny, romantic, or dialogues – choose as you like and make a Joshila duet and show your talent to Bharat.
Participate in Challenges and become a Star
We have all got hidden superstar inside us; all it takes is correct platform and a little push. Go ahead and participate in the challenge, create your video, and share with the world! You can gain millions of followers and hearts and become a Star! #joshchallenge
Josh is ‘Made in India’ app for creators of the world! Josh has got amazing Camera with cool features like – Filters, Slow Motion, thousands of background sounds, and many more which lets you shoot cool and amazing Videos.
Josh develops a personalized feed that curates all your preferences in one place, based on all your clicks, taps and likes on videos. We understand your evolving entertainment choices and adapt our recommendations to give you the best, most relevant and scroll-stopping videos.
Josh has a range of fun and interesting videos for all:
🔥 Trending Videos
🎬 Mast Entertainment Videos
😂 Funny videos
🎵 Video Songs
💗 WhatsApp Status
🔥 Glamourous Dance Videos
😊 Cute & Funny Pets Videos
It doesn’t stop there! Features that will amaze you:
•Multilingual Mazza: Josh App is available in multiple Indian languages. Watch trending videos in Hindi, English, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and many more! Additionally, watch trending international videos too.
•Sharing is Caring (and Creating): If you like it, share it! Find entertaining videos across genres and instantly share them as your Whatsapp status and within your social group.
•Hassi toh Phassi: Watch India’s Most Trending Videos featuring singing, dancing, acting, lip-syncing & mimicry and laugh along to viral memes and funny videos. You are sure to find something you love.
Come, let’s spread the Josh!
•Become a star by sharing your video creations with family and friends through Facebook or Whatsapp.
•Don’t have the app? No worries! Your friends can still watch the video from the shared link.
•Show and inspire everyone with your talent. Create and upload your videos, also beautify them by using some amazing filters.
• Use trending music to get make your videos more exciting.
• Curate your profile to highlight your unique talent and attract more followers.
• Follow your favourites creators to never miss an update from them.
•Watch the best, handpicked videos from other users and discover more interesting profiles to follow.
Zili - Short Video App for India | Funny
Zili is not just a short video app. It's an inexhaustible source of fun!🤣
Feel a bit 🙁? Or 😔? Maybe even 😢 or 😣?
Swiping through your Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp feeds doesn't spark joy?
Just open Zili! Here you'll find tons of trending videos: 😆 funny sketches, 🎦 bits from movies, 🐱🏍 talents from around the world, 💃 cool dancers, and 🎵 fresh music won't leave you bored!
Whatever your interests are, you'll always find something you like on Zili.
What makes Zili so good?
💥We've got lots of videos. Lots and lots!
Besides being full of guilty pleasures (all your favorite pranks and fails), Zili is also a creative outlet for a lot of talents. After laughing out loud, you can always watch something inspiring, insightful, and thought-provoking.
💥You can share our videos to WhatsApp and Facebook in a single tap!
Endless fun is worth sharing. On Zili, you can easily download videos, or share them with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook in a single tap!
💥You can upload your videos and become an influencer!
Upload your videos to Zili! You'll be able to get lots of followers and (who knows?) wake up one day as one of our most famous influencers!
💥On Zili, you'll always find your kindred spirits.
Zili has an interest group for almost anything. Cat lovers, pranksters, tech geeks - unite!
❗CAUTION! Don't attempt to download Zili if you can't handle fun!😝😝😝
MX TakaTak - Made in India Short Video App
Made in India | MX TakaTak is a short video community app created locally and especially by MX Media & Entertainment in India. On MX TakaTak, we provide rich video content and encourage creation full of imagination.
MX TakaTak - Choice of Rapper-Songwriter Badshah - The short-video app is preferred choice of not only for Badshah but also for 10Mn+ influencers.
Create shorts videos, lip sync videos, trending music videos, groove on viral videos, and share on WhatsApp, or other social media. MX Takatak is not just a dialogue dubbing app but also an incredible video editor, where you can shoot, edit videos online, apply filters, and become the next superstar. MX TakaTak App offers you real and fun videos that you can watch and share with your friends and family. Enjoy funny and high on josh videos while having a snack, and take moj during your leisure time with Takatak App!
MX Takatak App Features
MX Takatak App is an Indian free short video maker app where you get a chance to gain popularity, numerous followers to become an internet sensation from the comfort of your home!
More than 10 million talented artists and creators now on Takatak
- Watch videos of your favorite Takatak stars, and influencers like Gima Ashi, Manjul Khattar, Aashika Bhatia, Khushi, Lucky Dancer, Angel Rai, and many more. Follow them now!
- A plethora of trending videos: Browse all types of videos, ranging from Dialogue Dubbing, Comedy, Gaming, DIY, Food, Sports, Memes, and many more anytime and from anywhere
- Music Video Maker App: Create short fun music videos on the go, dub your favorite movies dialogue, dance videos.
* Seamless Video Editor: Edit videos using our editing features and share!
* Choose beauty effects during shooting a video
* Several filters to suit the settings
* Number of special effects
* Add stickers, and cute emoticons
- Latest Videos Feed: Explore through the feed on the MX Takatak app, or seamlessly search your favorite videos
- Become the next popular creator: Create your profile, shoot and upload videos
- Rich music library: An evolving music library with fresh editor's picks. Take your creative potential to the next level and unlock the world of endless possibilities
- Trending videos: Browse trending hot, funny, amazing videos just in a swipe! Load instantly, smooth interface, and lag-free
- Save and share status - Up to 10,000 status videos available for you to pick
Content languages
MX Takatak App is available in 10+ languages. Watch videos in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi, English and more
Install TakaTak App - A Short Video Community to shoot videos, watch trending videos, shayari, edit videos, create funny dubbed and lip sync videos and share!
🔥Trending on MX TakaTak:🔥
💕 Beauty
💃 Dance
👄 Lip-sync
🎶 Singing
💻 Tech
🤣 Jokes
🤥 Trick
🙌🏽 Challenge
🍻 Cooking
🤡 Comedy
👏🏽 Bollywood
🏖 Fashion-style
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